Why CNM Connect Is More Than Just a New Brand

CNM-LogoEarlier this month, we were proud to sponsor the brand launch for CNM Connect (previously the Center for Nonprofit Management). The reception, held at the Botanical Research Institute of Texas (BRIT), was a great celebration of the accomplishments of this organization – and a sneak preview into what the future will hold for the 30 year-old institution. CNM Connect’s transition includes, of course, a snazzy new logo and company name. But that’s not the main reason we were impressed by their rebranding efforts. As President and CEO Tina Weinfurther explained during her welcome speech, CNM Connect held a strategy session and asked its team, “Where are we going, and what do we want to accomplish as we move ahead?”

The answer led them to stick with what was working, while integrating some new and expanded service offerings along the way. The result? A mission that is laser-focused on connection and engagement – and that leverages a multitude of resources to help nonprofits thrive. Tina highlighted the three main areas where CNM Connect will concentrate its efforts:

  1. Leadership – Setting strategy and organizational best practices
  2. Management Expertise – Providing operational and functional knowledge
  3. Outcomes Technology – Helping maximize and demonstrate impact

As CNM Connect grows, it is seizing the opportunity to make new and broader connections among its community of nonprofits and their key stakeholders. And that is real value. We can’t wait to see what the next 30 years hold for CNM Connect – and we are thankful to be one of the many supporters committed to CNM’s vision to “tackle issues in a meaningful way” together. Well said.

BlogSara RedingtonComment